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Celebrate employee birthdays

IWGAD company employee birthdays are held each month. To make employees more happy and the company cares about employees.

Birthdays are considered an important event of the year for each individual. Understanding that, IWGAD has organized birthdays for siblings whose birthdays are in the same month on the 15th of that month. IWGAD always values ​​the development and appreciates the contributions of its brothers and sisters, therefore, celebrating a birthday is a way to show gratitude and care for the members who have always stood by the giants. Vinpack family. This organized activity contributes to creating a joyful and dynamic atmosphere for all of you, and is the perfect way to motivate yourself for the next challenges at work.

Celebrating birthdays for brothers and sisters is one of the special and meaningful activities of IWGAD , where the affection and solidarity within the group are affirmed. IWGAD not only organizes birthday parties, but also brings interesting and surprising activities to create memorable memories.

To bring an interesting and memorable birthday, IWGAD always prepares carefully from choosing the location, designing the decoration to preparing the menu and entertainment program. Wishing to create a cozy and unique space, demonstrating not only professionalism but also meticulous care for every detail.

The birthday took place in a cozy space, with the presence and congratulations of all colleagues. At this meeting, the brothers and sisters were wished a happy birthday and received blessings and good wishes from colleagues and management. This is an opportunity for everyone to create good relationships, show gratitude and solidarity within the IWGAD family .

A birthday party cannot lack special gifts such as cakes and fresh fruits, accompanied by glasses of soft drinks. All siblings sit together, enjoy delicious food and share happy stories, creating an intimate and close atmosphere. This is an opportunity to relax together, sublimate in joy and experience memorable moments together.

IWGAD ‘s birthday is not just a simple birthday party, but also an expression of care and appreciation for each individual in the team. IWGAD understands that brothers and sisters who are happy and feel valued will be more motivated and productive. Therefore, the monthly birthday party is a way to send a message of love and encourage members to grow and develop with the company.

In addition to enjoying the party, IWGAD also arranges games and entertainment activities to add to the excitement and fun. Mini games, fun competitions, or even an internal talent contest are organized for everyone’s entertainment. This helps create a relaxing space where people can socialize, laugh together and create memorable memories.

Not only stopping at the party, IWGAD also prepared small gifts to give to siblings on their birthdays. These gifts express gratitude and individual attention, while also demonstrating care and respect from the company. 

IWGAD ‘s birthday is not only a monthly event, but also an opportunity to create a friendly and united working environment. IWGAD understands that the cultural values ​​and family affection built through such activities will spread to each sibling and create a strong and united team.

IWGAD members’ birthdays are not just a simple party, but an interesting and meaningful event that marks respect and care for brothers and sisters. Continue to organize lively and memorable birthday parties, creating an emotional and motivating working environment. We always listen to comments from members to improve the quality and richness of birthday parties. We are constantly looking for creative and unique ideas, ensuring that each birthday is a unique experience.

Celebrate employee birthdays

IWGAD company employee birthdays are held each month. To make employees more happy and the company cares about employees. Birthdays are considered an important event of the year for each individual. Understanding that, IWGAD has organized birthdays for siblings whose birthdays are in the same month on the 15th of that month. IWGAD always values ​​the development

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